Getting the most from psychometric assessment

Organisations that appreciate the importance of psychometric assessments in recruiting decisions may not necessarily recognise the value this data provides in onboarding and ongoing development. The truth is that even the most qualified applicants can benefit from further development. As a result, using the insights provided by psychometric assessments can assist you in transitioning your newest employees from good to great, or even from great to outstanding.

Every year, thousands of businesses utilise a range of psychometric tests to inform recruiting choices and enhance the likelihood of success for the candidates they hire. Increasing the value of the insights gained through psychometric assessments is clearly recognised by organisations. A pleasing trend is that increasingly candidates are being debriefed on their results and then supported in using these insights for onboarding and the creation of a targeted development plan.

Research undertaken by Michael Watkins, outlined in his book “The First 90 Days”, shows that if an individual is successful in the first few months, they are likely to continue to be successful for at least the next 3 years. Similarly, if they are struggling in the first 90 days, they are likely to continue to struggle for a few years. The objective is clear: make sure you onboard new employees effectively and use the abundance of data available from the recruitment process to establish a personalised development plan for them within the first few weeks of their employment.

When you consider the valuable insights obtained from psychometric testing, along with the financial resources invested by your organisation, it’s clear that you would want to maximise the return on investment. Surprisingly, many organisations overlook this potential value, leaving testing results untouched. Why wouldn’t businesses strive to utilise this assessment data to increase their chances of long-term success?

Anthony Griffiths, Acting Chair NEWRRG, noted the value of utilising assessment data when recruiting and onboarding a new Executive Officer – “We have just invested significant time and money in finding the right Executive Officer to lead our organisation. Psych assessment played a key role in informing the Board’s final decision and we are keen to use this information in his development plan and commit resources and time to help ensure our new EO is successful.”

Considering the predictive validity of psychometric tools, the widespread dedication to learning and development in nearly all organisations, and the potential to enhance the return on investment in recruitment, utilising assessment results is an excellent opportunity to onboard new hires effectively and ensure their success from the start.

Steople’s team of Organisational Psychologists and Organisational Development Professionals support clients to create and sustain positive behavioural change. Contact us today